Remember that nasty, cold, bite-you-through-every-layer-you-had-on, tough winter? And then, that muddy, wet, rain-until-your-toes-grew-webs-between-them spring and summer that grew washy grass in the grazing pasture? We do. Man, it was hard and we had a handful of

young, quality cows with way too much potential to go down the road through no fault of their own. So, Les did something he said he would never do. He kept them and turned the bull in. These ladies have eaten some protein filled spring and WOWZA! an endless supply of pound packing grass this summer. They are full. Now they are going to have to work it all off raising their calves in the creek pasture just north of the ranch house. Each morning and evening, we find ourselves in a larger than life Easter egg hunt. The basket is endless: deep draws, high high hills, and a nest filled with warm season grasses tickling the shoulders.